Thursday, January 13, 2011


The initiator of the Philippine Revolution Andres Bonifacio, a Mason ,was an ardent student of the French Revolution.According to his close associate Dr.Pio Valenzuela,Bonifacio spent his sleepless nights reading the history of the French Revolution. In this revolution, the masonic involvement is obvious as documented in the chronology below:

Oct.13- "Friendship and Fraternity",first masonic lodge founded in Dunkirk.

1725- Charles Radcliff, Lord Derwentwater established the Mother Lodge in Paris ,it had about 500 members. (Dillon 1885:18-19)


1736-Four lodges in Paris formed a Provincial Grand Lodge,under the authority of England.

1743-The Count of Clairmont was elected grand master,the body (Provincial Grand Lodge) assumed the title"English Grand Lodge of France". (Macoy,39)


The Chapter of Clairmont formed by Chevalier Nicolas de Bonneville in Paris.(Lomas 2006:228)

The Marinists , secret society founded by a Portugese Jew Martinez Paschalis(or Pasqually).He developed his doctrines by combining " gnosticism,Judaize Christianity and the philosophies of Greeece and of the East."(Webster 1921:7)

Dillon (1885:2) believed that Pasqually"was the first to introduce Illuminism into ther Lodge of Lyons.

1772-The founding of the Grand Orient of France,with the Duc de Chartes(later known as Duc d Orleans and Philip Egalite)as its grand master (Webster 1921: 6 )

1773- Grand Orient of France formally constituted in Paris. (Gardner 2000:384)

1775-Beginning of American Revolution. (Gardner,384)

1778-French troops and Marquis de Lafayette helped American rebels fight the British.(Gardner,384)

1786- The Grand Orient formed a coalition with the Grand Chapter,acquiring a more dangerous character...(T)he spirit of the Grand Orient was frankly democratic...(while) the Grand Chapter was revolutionary."..."(T)he brothers of the Templar Rite...of the Grand Chapter were the real formentors of the revolution .the others were ony docile agents".(Webster 1921 :6)

1787-Johann Joachim Christoph Bode with his fellow Illuminatus Christian Wilhelm von dem
Bussche made a trip to Paris and"successfully imported Bavarian Illuminism in France.
He not only succeeeded n recruiting prominent members of Fench freemasonry,but
together with these new initiates,established a fully functioning secret Illuminati Lodge
(Les Unis Reunis)." (see Melanson 2009:pp.68-81,for more details; words in parenthesis

1789-99- The French Revolution.


June17- Third Estate adopted the title of National Assembly. *
June 20- Tennis Court Oath.*
June 26- Troops began to concentrate around Paris.*
June27 -King ordered clergy and nobility tojoin the Third Esate. *
July12-17- Riots in Paris. *
Jult 14 -The Fall of Bastile. *

"(J)ust after the fall of Bastile,a mason (a mason from a lodge in Breton)...asserted that
'it was from our templesand from those who raised to true philosophy that there went
forth the first sparks of sacred fire which,spreadind from east to west,and soutrh and
north, has so quickly warmed the hearts of the citizens. '"(Roberts 2008:170,words in
parenthesis mine---D.V.D)

August26- Declaration of the Rights of Man.*

Sept.21 -Convention abolished monarchy.*


Jan.21-Execution of King Louis XVI.*

Mar.21- Comites de surveillance established in every commune.*
Mar.26-Committee of Public Safety established.*
May-Oct.-Federalist revolts in provinces against the Convention. *
May 28-Insurrectionary Commitees formed.*
May 29-June 2- Overthrow of the Girondins.*
JUly 13- Murder of Marat.*
July 17 -Final abolition of all feudal rights without compensation. *

The Comite de Trente.not a masonic body, whose"membership included several
members of the two celbrated lodges Neuf Soeurs and of Rue du Coq-Huron."played a
role in the abolistion of feudalism.(Roberts 2008:172)

It was de Kerengal"a freemason and a member of this group,who on the night of 4 of
August joined with d'Aiguillion(nother freemason)to roposed for the abolition
of feudalism.


Sept.17- Law of Suspects.*
Oct.10- Government declared to be "revolutionary until the peace." *
Oct.16-Marie Antoinette executed.*
Oct.31-Girondin leaders executed.*
Nov.6- Duc d Orleans (Philippe Egalite), grand master of Grand Orientn of France, executed.*


Mar.24-Execution of Herbertists. *
April 2-Danton's trial begins.*
April 5-Execution of Dantonits.*
July 27-The journee of 9 Thermidor.Arrest of Roberpierrists.*
Abolition of Paris Commune by Convention.*

July 28- Execution of Roberpierrists.*
Nov.12-Jacobin Club closed.*


Feb.21-Decree separating Church and State.*
Aug.22-Convention is disolved.Directory inagurated.*

1796 -1798 Rise of Napoleon
Mar. 2-Bonaparte became General of the army of Italy.*
May 10-Bonaparte defeats Austrians in Lodi.*
Nov.16- Bonaparte`s voctory at Arcola.*

May27-Babeuf executed. *
Oct.18-Peace with Austria secured by the Treaty of Campo Formio.*
Dec.10-Bonaparte returns to Paris.*

Aug.1- Battle of Nile.*


May 20-Sieyes joins the Directory.*
Oct.9- Bonaparte lands at Frejus.*
Nov.9- Coup d etat of Brumaire.*

1877-The Grand Orient removed from its Constitutions the affirmation of the existence of The Grand Architect of the Universe (T.G.A.O .T.U).(Pick & Knight, 269)

Note: For the complete chronology see Appendix 3 of Hibbert.1980:329-335)

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